by Boshhh Clever Mobile



The network that BOOSTS your credit score if you can’t get credit.Powered by the UK’s most reliable network• Guaranteed acceptance• Boost your credit score• Access your credit file• Absorb your current SIM costBoshhh™️ Credit BOOSTER can improve Your score with EquifaxCredit Report access and cool tips for the life of your contractTake control of your financial footprint or simply use Boshhh™️ to keep on top of your credit score.Choose a Credit Building SIM plan that fits your needs. We offer sim plans of 10GB, 30GB or a whopping 100GB, plus all contracts have unlimited calls and texts.Your Boshhh SIM contract acts as your credit agreement, we let Equifax know you have a new credit agreement with us - no stress , Boshhh is 100% acceptance.Each month Boshhh will report your monthly bill to Equifax so sit back and watch your credit score climb* Boshhh gives you FREE access to your Equifax credit file.P.S Want to keep your current number? Bring it along! At Boshhh weve got you covered.